Activate your feminine intuitive gifts, create deep self-intimacy and awaken your senses, all while mastering your inner emotional authority with Intimacy + Relationship + Embodiment Coach — Lauren Wise.




It’s only a matter of time.

generational-breaking, truth-seeking woman…

Hello you beautiful

The current systems are FAILING you…

In a time where you are experiencing information overload, civil unrest, technology dependency, the pressure to be constantly stimulated, constantly consuming, struggling with the emotional & mental effects of late-stage capitalism, on-going global health crises, and so much more — you are finding yourself more disconnected and lost than ever.

Everywhere you turn you’re ushered to keep busy, keep moving, keep doing… pushing you further and further away from yourself — experiencing an uptick in exhaustion, burnout and overall disconnect in your external relationships and with the self.

You are not alone.

I see you —

Settling for just okay and good enough.

In your exhaustion, frustration, resentment and despair.

In SURVIVAL mode, just trying to make it through each day.

Burned out, not able to prioritize things you enjoy because it’s just too much.

Shrinking in on yourself, recoiling & retreating within — keeping everyone out.

Caging your voice to prioritize others needs before your own.

Too NUMBED out, over-stimulated and disconnected to know where to start to make a change.

Together we'll quiet your environment, allowing you to tap into the infinite wisdom and medicine of your mind-body connection - breaking all the “norms” of western healing, establishing emotional resiliency & fluidity, all while replacing outdated survival tools for a body-led, pleasure-based strategy for THRIVING and personal growth. 

Designed for the woman who’s experiencing a longing — a call to return home to herself. The woman who’s ready to attract soul-aligned relationships. Who’s craving experiencing deep intimacy & connection in all areas of their life. Who’s desiring to hone their intuitive gifts through establishing an intimate connection with their body — who yearn to embody & LEAD in their unique feminine way, and lay the foundation of a fully expressed & aligned life.

If you’re at a place in your journey where you’re ready to accelerate your personal & spiritual GROWTH…


Personalized Intimacy Coaching is a rich, expansive, multi-dimensional transformational experience, exactly like you.

There is no one-size fits all approach, because your needs are just as unique as you are.

Together, we’ll liberate your suppressed desires that lie at the core of your being & use it as a compass for your targeted transformation, while releasing outdated beliefs preventing you from actualizing the life & relationships you crave.

We will co-create a container of self-consent, clarity and acceptance, while celebrating every single milestone along the way.

In a world designed to suppress your sensuality, to profit off of your insecurities and vulnerabilities, there is no greater opportunity to restore your own wholeness & personal power than reclaiming your body & your sensual expression as a human being on earth. Women are literally connected to the divine, graced with the ability to create life — and yet, the way in which life gets created is rife with shame, disconnection and ridicule.

Together, we will rewrite this narrative — to celebrate and honor the magic that is your body, your sensuality and your power…

…whether that’s accessing your body’s pleasure powerhouse for the first time, calling in your dream partner, owning your fully authentic sensual self, following the call of your intuition or establishing your dating boundaries.

I’M 👏🏼 HERE 👏🏼 FOR 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼 ALL.

What my incredible clients are saying...

  • A.C.

    Lauren is amazing. Such a tender and sensitive space-holder. I always feel like she truly SEES me in my sessions with her. She creates such a frequency of safety during my sessions that I have touched in to depths of myself that I never even knew existed or were affecting me, in order to heal. I highly recommend Lauren as a coach and healing guide!

  • L.P.

    I’m so grateful to Lauren as a coach. I’ve done coaching sessions where I wasn’t fully able to trust the coach enough to say “F*ck it, we are getting fully, vulnerably soul-level naked”. Lauren’s credibility, level of depth and her ability to hold the space so safely and so openly, lets me relax at a level that is not always available and I’m so deeply grateful for it.

  • C.A.

    With all my heart I am so grateful to Lauren for our time together and the safe space she held for me. I’ve always struggled with finding the right person who could coach and really help me, as well as understand me. But with Lauren I felt so free and safe to share everything without holding back or thinking that maybe I should keep something to myself so I don’t sound crazy or silly. Also as English is not my first language, didn’t affect the quality of coaching, it felt like she already understood what I am trying to share even before I finished the thought. Also I was surprised that after only couple of sessions I reached a great breakthrough and vast improvement over my struggles in romantic relationships. She is a fantastic listener and great leader to my deepest desires as well as shadows, which is so essential to recognize and find acceptance within me so I can finally become more confident and love myself more. I am so full of gratitude and looking forward to continuing the work with Lauren!

  • Z.K.

    Lauren holds such a beautiful, safe space. She is very in tune to what is needed moment to moment to gently guide my sessions into a deeper exploration and integration of my inner world as well as helping me find more clarity and joy along the way. She celebrates me big time when I am in my shine and holds me tenderly in the depths of my emotions. I would definitely recommend Lauren as a coach and I honor her healing presence.

  • L.D.

    Lauren is a highly skilled somatic coach, who is easy to talk to and non-judgmental. I was really struggling in my lovership and having a hard time understanding my partner's views. She listened to me empathetically and then led me through a powerful exercise where I was able to release what I was holding against him/men (which was actually being triggered from a relationship 10 years ago!) and understand how he was feeling from a space of compassion and grace. I was blown away by what we were able to achieve in just one session and am eternally grateful to Lauren for helping me feel safe enough to go there and also heal this pattern with men and relationships so I can keep showing up in love and dating from an empowered place.



“Through my gentle approach of deeply honoring the body-mind connection, I hold women through their transformative exploration towards their most sensual and authentic selves.”

Lauren Wise is a holistic lifestyle, intimacy, relationship, love, sacred sensuality and embodiment coach for heart-led women and female truth-seekers. Specifically, I work with women to claim their unrealized desires, step into their fullest potential and slay shame along the way.

As an empowerment guide, Lauren speaks openly about sensuality taboos to normalize, inform and liberate women from their own limiting beliefs and eliminate cultural stigmas.

Lauren’s on a mission to empower & awaken the sacred sensuality within every woman, while illuminating each woman’s unique path to living fully embodied lives, cultivating safety & trust within their bodies, and creating next-level relationships, all while CELEBRATING their journey along the way.



Intimacy Coach

After nearly a decade in corporate consulting, I started to embrace the divine transition that the universe was lining up for me — to hold, guide & mentor women in their own unique transformation in the areas that impact them the most - intimacy, love & relationships.

I came into this role for the women who know they are settling, who are repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns — who feel stuck, dull & operating in survival mode. For the women who are yearning to step back into their power, who desire to move out of surviving and into THRIVING, who are ready for the shift into their feminine superpowers — embracing both softness AND strength, building a deep connection with their body, their sensuality, honoring and celebrating the cycles of their life, working with your natural states vs. against them, embracing stillness and doing less, while building a self-intimacy foundation rooted in love & acceptance.

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Your power lies within.

Together, we will co-create a container orienting you back into your power, learn to hear and honor the messages of your body, build a foundation of self-trust and address any incomplete stress cycles lingering in your system.

✔︎ Address any parental wounding (mother/father) inhibiting your growth.

✔︎ Address and resolve any inner-child wounding preventing your fullest expression in relationships.

✔︎ Connect with and reclaim your inner power and compass.

✔︎ Use pleasure practices to increase your capacity for joy & love.

✔︎ Anchor into your unique feminine expression and build your life around your natural cycles.

✔︎ Get crystal-clear on your desires within intimacy, love and relationships.

✔︎ Establish your value system to orient your life.

✔︎ Begin recognizing & engaging with your self-sabotaging patterns.

✔︎ Implement your own unique stress-cycle completion framework.

✔︎ Cease fearing your emotions and build emotional resiliency and emotional fluidity.


6 Months

For the woman who desires to take up SPACE — a slow and expansive 24 week container for those who desire to approach this work with ample room for exploration.



✔︎ 18 x 90 min. sessions

(Sessions held via Zoom)

✔︎ 3 sessions per month

✔︎ 1 integration/rest week per month

✔︎ Telegram & Email support between sessions

✔︎ Sessions curated per client

✔︎ Client portal access w/ session notes

✔︎ Weekly at-home practices/play

✔︎ Guided recordings & supplemental resources

Your Investment

$7200 USD

$6000 USD*

GET THE LIMITED-TIME Pay in Full* BONUS: $1200 off your total for investing up front!

Is a payment plan more in alignment for you?

$1100 USD Monthly for 6 Mo. (Save $600 USD)

$600 USD Monthly for 12 Mo.

3 Months

For the woman on a MISSION — a condensed 12 week container for those who are seeking clarity and wish to focus on more targeted goals.



✔︎ 9 x 90 min. sessions

(Sessions held via Zoom)

✔︎ 3 sessions per month

✔︎ 1 integration/rest week per month

✔︎ Telegram & Email support between sessions

✔︎ Sessions curated per client

✔︎ Client portal access w/ session notes

✔︎ Weekly at-home practices/play

✔︎ Guided recordings & supplemental resources

Your Investment

$3600 USD

$3000 USD*

GET THE LIMITED-TIME Pay in Full* BONUS: $600 off your total for investing up front!

Is a payment plan more in alignment for you?

$1100 USD Monthly for 3 Mo. (Save $300 USD)

$600 USD Monthly for 6 Mo.

Get in touch with me — schedule your FREE discovery call today.


  • The foundation of embodiment coaching (“somatic coaching”) is to address the narratives and resistance stored within the body interfering with your ability to actualize your desires. When you address the life experiences imprinted in the body, not only will you begin to close out lingering stress cycles - you begin to create space to support a state of internal safety while introducing new behaviors and perspectives to aid in the journey of achieving your goals.

    Said differently, if your nervous system doesn’t believe your desire is safe to have, your ability to achieve that desire is directly hindered. Together, we will work to bring your entire being online to express and get a full-body buy-in to move you closer to actualizing your desires.

  • My approach prioritizes a full spectrum assessment of the interconnectedness between both body and mind. Most goal-oriented coaching strategies are only focusing on your mindset. With a somatic approach we focus heavily on the narratives and information stored within the body also influencing your behaviors and keeping you stuck.

    Through the use of breathwork, sounding, movement, meditation, inner-child exploration, visualization and more, you will be given tools to continue to support your unique journey to achieving your desires beyond the scope of our work together.

  • Radical transformation within intimacy and relationships requires us to sit with those parts of us that are uncomfortable to feel. Expect to visit these sticky, resistant areas within. These sacred places offer key insights regarding what’s preventing you from attaining your desires.

    Each coaching session is structured for 90 minutes (at three sessions per month held virtually) to allow ample time and space for your nervous system to integrate our work together.

    Reprogramming our beliefs and behaviors is no small feat. During cycles of transformation, the desire to regress to our prior default-mode is expected.

    Through our time together we will implement a foundation of curiosity and self-acceptance to use during moments of discomfort.

    These foundational tools will continue to serve you in all areas of your life - instilling more flexibility and ease as you encounter life’s challenges over time.

  • Journeying to the deepest parts of yourself is challenging and may be a new experience for you. In my container you can expect to be deeply held, witnessed and supported during our time together.

    Creating a safe space for you to fully express is my utmost priority. I know the sacredness of this work and am aware that the best results lie in creating an environment for you to be fully seen and accepted just as you are. I am here in service of you.

  • Together we are in partnership to help you achieve your desires in intimacy, love and relationships.

    Radical transformation requires shifts within both your internal and external worlds. You are ready to implement the tools required to create the life you desire while receiving accountability support along the way.

    You understand that while I am here to support you, you are the catalyst in creating radical change in your life.

    Your work outside of our container is just as potent as the work within our sessions. This is where you have the opportunity to begin living as the woman you desire to be and cultivating your internal landscape of self-trust and outside action.

    Expect to stretch yourself while implementing the tools learned in our sessions out in your external world.

My PURPOSE is to guide & hold you in fierce love, to honor your internal wisdom in the discovery of…


How might your life be different if you focused on your growth as a whole being, leaving no part of you hidden or suppressed out of fear, shame or abandonment wounds?

What would you claim for yourself if given the permission to take up space?

What could you accomplish or who would you be in a reality where you are fully YOU?

How might things change for you if you knew you were held, seen, supported, encouraged and celebrated in every step of your journey, by a mentor who desires nothing more than your fullest, most feral feminine expression?

Let’s connect.

Email more your vibe? I feel that — use this form to start the conversation.

So... tell me what you want, what you really REALLY want.

Stay in my vibration.

Join me on socials.