Your Permission Slip to Invest in Yourself — and Why its Always a Win

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To preface — I LOVE investing in myself.

The best investments I’ve ever made have been solely for myself and my personal evolution. 

Over the years I’ve invested in many things around my own personal self-care including: skin treatments, body care in the form massages, cupping, sound healings, reiki, cacao ceremonies, nail care, hair care and so much more.

While all of these outlets were serving me in their own superficial way, I was desperately trying to fill a gap that was unbeknownst to me — a proverbial black hole if you will.

And finally, at age 30 I found myself unable to fill that hole and drowning. I had just spent three years with my now husband going through an exhaustive leukemia treatment, anchoring myself as the provider of the family, to be followed on by a global pandemic, two family deaths and a big-time corporate career leading 100+ associates from across the globe.

I was in full blown survival mode with no end in sight. I was moving through life feeling utterly disconnected, dissociated and numbed out. And no amount of massages, vacations or sound healings was fixing anything.

I didn’t have a moment to pause, to exhale, to rest - so I just kept pushing forward, settled into the idea that this was my reality and desperately seeking my next band-aid fix.

Until an opportunity presented itself…

In 2019, a friend and former co-worker, Andreja Bourke (aka The Tantra Queen), was advertising a Women’s Retreat in Greece. An opportunity to do something edgy — I mean, I work in corporate… I manage 100+ team of professional associates… in a fortune 250 company… was a women’s sexuality retreat really for me?

And yet… something in me whispered yes.

Suddenly, I was presented with a choice — and all my mind could do was list all the reasons why this couldn’t work. Including:

  • It was too expensive.

  • It was halfway around the world (I live in the States).

  • I would be traveling to Europe — alone as a woman.

  • I would have to use a foreign taxi system — alone as a woman.

  • And so much more…

Even with all the reasons to not lean into this opportunity, deep down I knew I needed to be there. I knew there was something much bigger than me at play being planted by the universe.

I quelled the raging voices within and followed that whispering yes. Little did I know this single yes, this permission slip I granted myself would drastically shift the direction of my life.

I left that experience irrevocably altered. So deeply connected to myself and to the sensations of my body. 

This experience was my personal initiation to step back into my body. To unravel the numbness serving as a protector for so long. To witness a reality where I wasn’t plagued by anxiety and depression. To finally understand the medicine was within me all along — I just needed someone to show me the way.

My yes led me to attending a Women’s Sexual Liberation Retreat in Greece. 

My yes led me to the ends of the earth where I healed parts of me I tried so long to keep buried. 

My yes led to me hiring my first coach to continue my path of self actualization. 

My yes led me to choosing and creating the life I desire.

My yes led me to my ultimate calling and granted me an invitation to the most beautiful dance with the universe I had yet to encounter. 

And had I not bravely chosen this seemingly singular opportunity, there’s no telling where I would be today. But what I can say is that a seemingly large investment at the time led me to:

  • Receiving a 7x return on my retreat investment. YES — a 7x return!

  • Receiving the most beautiful engagement photos ever, taken in Santorini.

  • Through my 7x return, creating the wedding of my dreams.

  • Securing my next career jump via a Sex, Love & Relationship certification program.

  • Creating my soul business & healing all along the way.

  • Creating a deeper and more conscious relationship with my husband.

  • Waking up my entire soma (mind +body + spirit) in a way I didn’t know I needed.

My moral compass was never aligned in corporate life, and I desired deeply to work with people on things that truly mattered to them. I spent years leading large teams to success from all corners of the earth. All this time I had been skilling-up, preparing, and waiting for what was next.

Leading me to where I stand today - as a guide to bring you back to your power and authenticity. A shepherd leading women back to themselves.

As an Intimacy & Relationship Coach, I am in partnership with you, to co-create an environment to cultivate the relationships you desire, built first on a foundation of self-intimacy.

Together, we will prioritize and invest in you first and foremost. Defining and mapping out who you desire to be and what you are seeking in your relationships.

Because I believe deeply, that our relationships are the greatest opportunities for our overall growth, personal evolution, self actualization and empowerment. And I believe that every woman deserves and is worthy of asking for and receiving exactly what they want & need in their relationships.

It is my deepest honor to guide women along their own unique journey, while creating an internal landscape built on the tenets of…

  • I am already whole and complete just as I am.

  • The more I anchor into myself, the clearer my path becomes.

  • The more clarity I receive, the more discernment I awaken to choose differently.

  • My body and internal world contain the medicine I am seeking.

  • My sexual health & expression is just as important as the food I eat & the air I breathe.

  • I heal by accepting and loving every piece of me.

  • I trust that I alone know what’s best for me.

Investing in ourselves, especially as women, can evoke so many emotions and limiting beliefs around our worthiness. Know that I see you and you are not alone — and yet, the power that one yes holds, can ripple through the fabric of your entire life, and that Queen, is f*cking magical.

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Lauren Wise is a holistic lifestyle, intimacy, relationship, love, sacred sensuality and embodiment coach for heart-led women and female truth-seekers. Specifically, I work with women to claim their unrealized desires, step into their fullest potential and slay shame along the way.

As an empowerment guide, Lauren speaks openly about sensuality taboos to normalize, inform and liberate women from their own limiting beliefs and eliminate cultural stigmas.


3 Reasons to say YES to a Women’s Sensual Liberation Retreat